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CVG 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5

1  2  3  4  5 

1. But concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need [for anything] to be written to you.

2. For you yourselves know precisely that the day of the Lord in this way comes like a thief in the night [NOTE: This verse should* mitigate every man from ever saying he can calculate the end.].

3. When they say, "peace and security," then destruction approaches suddenly on them, even as the birth pains on one who has [a baby] in her belly, and they will not escape at all.
[NOTE: This is not an indication as to when the end will come, but indicates how the end will come. In other words, we should think the end is imminent when people say things like 'peace and safety,' this is only an indication of how unexpected the end will be. Again, this is another verse which tells us we cannot know the end.]

4. But you, brothers, are not in the darkness that the day [of the Lord] will seize you as a thief.

5. For you all are sons of light and sons of the day. We are not [sons] of the night neither [sons] of the darkness.

6. Therefore then let us not sleep like the rest but let us be vigilant and let us be sober.
[NOTE: The opposite of sleep is to be vigilant, it literally means to stay awake. Paul has used it before (Colossians 4:2).]

7. For those sleeping sleep at night and those who get drunk at night.

8. But we are those of the day, let us be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and [put] on the helmet, the hope of salvation.

9. Because God didn't deposit us for wrath, but for the acquisition of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

10. The One who died on our behalf that whether we are awake or whether we sleep we will live at the same time with Him.

11. For this reason encourage one another and build one another up one to another just as also you do.

12. But let us request of you, brothers, to know of those laboring among you and ruling you in the Lord also admonishing you.

13. And to consider them of high esteem in love because of their work. Be at peace with each other.

14. But we encourage you brothers, admonish those out of rank [NOTE: like a military rank], console the faint-hearted, cling to the weak, be long-suffering with all men.

15. See that someone doesn't give back evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue good for one another and for all men.

16. Always rejoice.

17. Pray without interruption.

18. In every [circumstance] be thankful. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

19. Do not quench the Spirit.

20. Don't despise prophesy.

21. And test all things, hold to what is good.

22. Abstain from every form of evil.

23. But God of peace Himself will sanctify you completely [NOTE: the Greek word carries the meaning of both completely and to the end.] and your entire [NOTE: It means entirely in all parts.] spirit and soul and body will be kept blameless at the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

24. Faithful is the One who calls you, Who also will do it [NOTE: what was just mentioned].

25. Brothers, pray also concerning us.

26. Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss.

27. I adjure you by the Lord this letter to be read to all the brothers [NOTE: some manuscripts say 'holy brothers'].

28. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.