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CVG Philippians Chapter 1

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1. Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus to all those saints in Christ Jesus, those who are in Philippi, along with the bishops and deacons.

2. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. I give thanks to my God on every remembrance of you.

4. Always in my every request on behalf of you all with joy making the request.

5. On your fellowship in the Gospel from the first day until even now.

6. Being convinced of this very thing, that the One who began a noble [good] work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.

7. Just as also it is right for me to think this on your behalf, for me to have you in my heart, [because] in my chains both in my defense and in my surety of the Gospel you are all fellow sharers of the grace with me.

8. For God is my witness as I desire wildly for you all with the tender mercies of Christ Jesus.

9. And this I pray that your love ever more and more would overflow in the true knowledge and every perception.

10. In order that you approve the excellent things, that you may be genuine and without stumbling in the day of Christ.

11. Being filled with the fruit of righteousness which is through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.

12. But I desire for you to know, brothers, that the things concerning me have come rather for the advance of the Gospel.

13. In as much as my chains in Christ have become manifest to the whole praetorian guard and to the all the rest.
[NOTE: The Praetorian guard was the Roman secret service instituted by Caesar Augustus after his uncle's brutal death. These are also the guys who killed Caligula. Imagine how disgusting and hateful was this emperor, his own secret service killed him.]

14. And the rest of the brothers in the Lord were convinced in my chains abundantly to dare to speak the word without fear.

15. Some on the one hand preach Christ because of envy and strife, and others also because of good will.

16. There are those who proclaim Christ out of love knowing that I am set up for a defense of the Gospel.

17. But then the others proclaim Christ out of selfishness, not purely, supposing to raise up suffering in my chains.

18. For what? Nevertheless, because in every way whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed and in this I rejoice. But also I will [continue to] rejoice.

19. For I know that this will turn out for my salvation [deliverance] through your request and of the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

20. According to my earnest watching and hope, that among no one I will be ashamed, but with all boldness just as always even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through my life or through my death.

21. For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

22. But if to live on in the flesh, this will be to me the fruit of work, and what I shall ask for I do not know.

23. But I But I am held together from these two choices, having a desire to die and to be with Christ, for by far this is better.

24. But to remain on in the flesh is more useful for your sake.

25. And being convinced of this, I know that I will remain and I will stay for you all to your advancement and the joy of your faith.

26. In order that your boasting may abound in Christ Jesus in my through my appearing again with you.

27. Only, be good citizens in a worthy manner of the Gospel of Christ, that whether coming and seeing you or being away I hear the things concerning you that you stand in one spirit, struggling in one soul in the faith of the Gospel.

28. And not being frightened at all by those set up against [you], which is for them a sign of their destruction, but your salvation and this is from God.

29. Because it was given to you that which is on Christ's behalf, not only to believe in Him but also to suffer on His behalf.

30. Having the same struggle such as you saw in me and now you hear about in me.