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CVG Philippians Chapter 4

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1. So then my beloved and longed-for brothers, my joy and my crown, in this way stand in the Lord beloved.

2. I encourage Euodia and I encourage Syntyche [NOTE: emphasis] to think the same thing in the Lord.

3. Yes, I ask also you, my true child Syzyge [yoke-fellow], to help them [these two women] who fight along-side one another in the Gospel with me, and with also Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

4. Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say it, rejoice!

5. Let your reasonableness be known to all men. The Lord is near.

6. Don't be anxious at all, but in every prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God.

7. And the peace of God which is over all things will guard your mind and heart and understanding in Christ Jesus.

8. Finally brothers, as much as is true, as much as is dignified, as much as is right, as much as is pure, as much as is lovely, as much as is fair-spoken, if anything is of good virtue, if anything is praise-worthy, think these things.

9. Whatever also you learned and received and heard and saw in me, do these things. And the God of peace will be with you.

10. But I was rejoicing in the Lord greatly because now at last you blossomed again to think on my behalf, in this you did think, but you didn't have an opportunity.

11. Not that I speak according to my present needs [coming short], for I learned in those things which I am to be independent of others.

12. I know how [what it is] to be brought low and I know also [what it is] to abound, I have been instructed in every and in all [circumstances], both to be filled and to be hungry, to abound and to come short. [NOTE: Paul's Play, hustereisqai, v.11]

13. I am strong in every way in the One who gives me strength.

14. However, you did well, sharing with me, in my affliction.

15. But you know also, Philippians, that in the beginning of the Gospel, that I cam out from Macedonia, not one of the churches shared with me in an account of giving and receiving except you alone.

16. That also in Thessalonica, both once and twice you sent something for my need.

17. Not that I sought earnestly the gift, but I sought the fruit, the filing up to your account.

18. But I receive all things in full and I abound. I am filled, and received from Epaphroditus the things from you, a well-pleasing aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.

19. But my God will fill all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

20. But to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever amen!

21. Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. Those brothers with me greet you.

22. All the saints greet you, but especially those from the house of Caesar [NOTE: at this time, this should have been Claudius. He was the least evil of the Caesars during this time. It is rumored he was killed by Nero's mother to install Nero on the throne.].

23. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.