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CVG Philippians Chapter 2

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1. Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any tender mercies and compassion.

2. Fulfill my joy in order that you may think the same thing, having the same love, being of one soul, thinking one thing.

3. [Doing] nothing according to selfishness neither according to vainglory, but in humility considering one another to be superior than yourself.

4. Let not each one be looking out for his own things [interest], but also each of you all [to be looking out for] the things [interest] of the other.

5. Think this among you guys which was also in Christ Jesus.

6. Who existing in the form of God did not consider it a prize carried off after war to be equal to God.

7. But emptied Himself taking the form of a slave, becoming in the likeness of men. And was found in the form just like a man.

8. He humbled Himself becoming obedient to death, and the death of a cross.

9. On which account also God high exalted Him and gave to Him the name above every name.

10. In order that in the name of Jesus every knee will bow in the heavens and on the earth and under the earth.

11. And every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

12. So then my beloved, just as you always listed, not as in my appearing only, but now much rather in my absence with fear and trembling work out the salvation of each one.

13. For God is the One who works in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

14. Do all things without grumbling and disputing.

15. In order that you may be blameless and unadulterated, children of God without spot in the middle of a wicked and twisted generation. Among whom you shine as great lights [like the moon or sun] in the world.

16. Holding fast the word of life, for my boasting in the day of Christ, that I did not run in vain neither worked in vain.

17. But if also I am poured out as a drink offering for a sacrifice and sacred service of your faith, I rejoice and I rejoice along with you all.

18. But in the same way also you rejoice and rejoice along with me.

19. But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you quickly, so that also I may be glad knowing the things concerning you.

20. For I have no one like minded who will genuinely be concerned for the things concerning you [until Timothy comes].

21. For they all seek your own, not the things of Jesus Christ.

22. But you know his testing/approval, that just as a child to his father he served with me to the Gospel.

23. Therefore then I hope to send him just as soon as I look away from my my own things hereafter.

24. But I am convinced in the Lord that also I myself will be coming quickly.

25. But I considered it necessary to send Epaphroditus to you, my brother and my fellow worker and fellow soldier, and your apostle and minister of my need.

26. Since he was longing for you all and being distressed, for this reason you heard that he was sick.

27. For also he was sick near to death, but God had mercy on him and not only him, but also me, in order that sorrow not be added to sorrow.

28. Therefore, being more diligent I sent him in order that seeing him again you may rejoice and I may be less grieved by it.

29. Receive him, therefore, in the Lord with all joy and hold such ones in high honor,

30. because through the work of Christ until death drew near, gambling with his soul, that he may fill up what is lacking on your part of your service to me.